活动报名 与美国建筑师协会院士的对话


Dialogue with Newly Elevated AIA College of Fellows

Date: November 9, 2023

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: ECADI, 1799 Zhongshan South Road

ARCHINA and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) are pleased to present a special dialogue with four newly elevated AIA College of Fellows from Shanghai: Ping Jiang, FAIA; Xiangming Huang, Hon. FAIA; Jiang Wu, Hon. FAIA; and Philip F. Yuan, Hon. FAIA.

Join us for an inspiring evening as we celebrate and engage with four distinguished architects from AIA Shanghai who have been elevated to the prestigious AIA College of Fellows in 2023. These architects have demonstrated exceptional contributions to the field of architecture and have enriched the architectural community with their remarkable work and studies.

This AIA Lecture offers a unique opportunity to delve into the architectural journeys of these distinguished individuals, gain valuable insights into their work, and participate in a thought-provoking dialogue about the future of architecture. We look forward to celebrating this remarkable achievement and fostering connections within the architectural community. Each fellow will give a brief presentation on a topic of their choice, followed by a roundtable discussion moderated by an AIA officer. The event is open to the public, and there will be a question-and-answer session. Networking for all attendees will follow the lecture.

Event Agenda

7:00 PM - 7:10 PM: 

Welcome and Introduction

· Representative from ECADI

· President of AIA Shanghai: Anderson Chider Hsieh

7:10 PM – 7:15 PM: 

Present 4 newly elevated Fellows

· President of AIA Shanghai: Anderson Chider Hsieh

7:15 PM - 8:00 PM: 

Presentation of Newly Elevated Fellows (15 minutes each)

8:00 PM - 8:30 PM:

Round Table Discussion and Q&A

· Moderated by the Immediate Past President Kathy Zhu and Peter Brown, FAIA

· Engage in a dynamic conversation with the newly elevated fellows

· Open to the public for questions and answers

8:30 PM – 8:40 PM: 

Closing Remarks

· ARCHINA Founder: Lei Wu

· AIA VP: Mark Liu

· AIA Membership Director: Lu Chen

8:40 PM - 9:00 PM: 

Networking Reception

· Connect with fellow architects, AIA members, and event speakers

Jiang Wu, Hon. FAIA


Prof. Dr. Jiang WU, graduated and got his bachelor, master and doctor degrees from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai. He is a planner and 1st class national registered architect of China, former Executive Vice President of Tongji University. He is now the director of the Elaborated Urban Governance of Tongji (EUG), the dean of the UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD), and the director of the Key Lab of Urban Regeneration of Shanghai. He is a member of the Academy of Architecture of France, Hon. Fellow of AIA(Architects Institute of Arica), vice chairman of the Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC) and chairman of Shanghai Urban Planning Society, the chairman of the Institute of Architectural Education of ASC (Architecture Society of China). From 2020 to 2021, he was the Vice President of ARCASIA. He is also the Chief Editor of Architecture Asia, the chairman of the editorial committee of Time+ Architecture (Tongji University), and member of the editorial board of World Architecture (Tsinghua University), Urban Planning Forum (Tongji University), Public Arts (Shanghai University) and Shanghai Urban Planning Review. He was educated in China, got his degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning in Tongji University. From 2003 to 2009, Wu was the deputy Director General of Shanghai Municipal Urban Planning Administration Bureau. He has been a visiting scholar in the University of Hong Kong from 1993 to 1994, and a senior visiting scholar in the GSD of Harvard University from 1996 to 1997. In the past 20 years, Wu has published more than 10 books and more than 100 articles in his research fields. In 2021, Wu was honored with the Chevalier Order of Art and Literature by French Government.

Philip F. Yuan, Hon. FAIA


Philip F. Yuan is a professor and associate dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, Honorary Fellow of American Institute of Architecture (Hon. FAIA). He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Architectural Intelligence journal. Yuan has served as Thomas Jefferson professor at University of Virginia (2019), the visiting professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2019), and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (2021). He has also served as council member of UIA Professional Practice Commission (PPC). Yuan was attributed with UIA 2023 The Auguste Perret Prize for Technology in Architecture. His work has been recognized with notable awards, including 2022 AIA Open International | Architecture Honor Award, 2022 Dezeen Award Best Civic Building, 2020 ACADIA Innovative Academic Program Award of Excellence etc. Yuan has participated in Venice biennale, Chicago biennale, Milan triennial, Tallin biennale, etc. His works have been collected by MOMA New York, M+ Hong Kong and Centre National d'art et de Culture Georges Pompidou.

Xiangming Huang, Hon. FAIA


Xiangming Huang. Board member and Chief Architect of TIANHUA Group, National 1st Class Registered Architect, Honorary Fellow of International associate AIA, RIBA Chartered Architect, Member of Asian Regional Council of the World Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), Director of the Institute of Chinese Architects (ICA) and Institute of Registered Architects (IRA) under the Architectural Society of China (ASC), Director and member of the academic committee of the Architectural Society of Shanghai China, Selected experts from the talent pool of carbon peak and carbon neutral experts in Shanghai's construction and transportation industry.

More than 30 years of experience in architectural design has bestowed him with profound understanding and keen insight on cities and architecture. His fields of expertise are urban development and renewal, cultural architecture, residential architecture, office and commercial development, and comprehensive development. His extensive experiences studying abroad and collaborating with international teams have given him a comprehensive understanding of Chinese and Western design philosophies. He approaches design with an international perspective, promote the integration of design creativity and advanced technology.

TIANHUA is one of the earliest private architectural design enterprises in China. As the founding partner, Huang Xiangming use an inclusive compositional management pattern and human-centered holistic design appoarch. He leads the profession with empathy to archive systemic change, by creating a new type of design practice in China. Also, he endeavored to create an entirely new model of architectural practice, to be more responsive in design, client service, and talent development. In 2019, Huang Xiangming won the honorary title of "Outstanding Figures of China Engineering and Consulting Industry on the 70th Anniversary of PRC" awarded by the China Engineering and Consulting Association. In 2022, he won the honorary title of "RIBA One Hundred Architects in China".

Ping Jiang, FAIA


Ping Jiang, FAIA

Founding Partner | Design Principal

EID Architecture

Ping Jiang is the founder and design principal of EID Architecture, a leading international practice for architecture and urbanism based in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Ping Jiang has worked extensively in the United States, Europe, and Asia through his career. His work aims to address the ever-changing urban conditions in China and beyond, confronting the challenges of complex urban realities and environmental issues with a prolific portfolio of projects across typologies and scales.

Seeking to adopt a holistic approach to architecture, landscape and urbanism, Ping Jiang’s practice explores and integrates design innovation that is environmentally sensitive, focusing on human experience, public realm, and connectivity. He has been awarded numerous notable awards, including multiple AIA Design Awards, The Plan Awards, The Architectural Review Future Awards, World Architecture Festival (WAF) Awards, etc. Jiang’s work has been frequently published globally and featured at international art exhibitions and biennials. In 2021, Ping Jiang was named to AD 100 as one of the most influential designers working in China, and his studio received AIA International Firm Award in 2022.

Please join us for this special event to honor these four distinguished architects and to learn more about their work and their vision for the future of architecture.

You can register by scanning the QR code below.


Continuing Education learning units will be available to AIA members for participating in this event.



时间:晚上7:00 - 9:00





晚上7:00 - 7:10:欢迎和介绍

• 华东建筑设计研究院有限公司代表

• AIA上海分会主席:谢启德

晚上7:10 - 7:15:介绍四位新晋院士

• AIA上海分会主席:谢启德

晚上7:15 - 8:00:新晋院士主题演讲(每人15分钟)

晚上8:00 - 8:30:圆桌会议和问答

• AIA2022年主席朱凯与Peter Brown, FAIA主持

• 与2023年新晋AIA院士的交流对话

• 开放现场来宾提问和回答

晚上8:30 - 8:40:结束致辞

• ARCHINA建筑中国创始人:吴磊

• AIA副主席:刘昶昇

• AIA会员主管:陈露

晚上8:40 - 9:00:自由交流

• 与其他建筑师、AIA会员和活动发言人交流



伍江,1960年10月生于南京。博士,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,博士生导师。上海市领军人才,国家一级注册建筑师,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。同济大学联合国环境与可持续发展学院院长、长三角可持续发展研究院院长、超大城市精细化治理研究院院长、教育部生态城市设计国际联合实验室主任,上海市城市更新及其空间技术重点实验室主任,国家文化公园建设工作专家咨询委员会委员,住建部历史文化保护与传承专家委员会副主任,上海市历史风貌区与优秀历史建筑保护委员会副主任,上海市政府决策咨询特聘专家,上海市城市发展与管理重点智库首席专家。法国建筑科学院院士,美国建筑师学会荣誉会士,亚洲建筑师协会副主席,联合国环境署青年与教育联盟联合主席,中国城市规划学会副理事长,上海市城市规划学会理事长,中国建筑学会建筑教育分会理事长。《Architecture Asia》主编、《时代建筑》编委会主任。曾任同济大学常务副校长、上海市城市规划与国土资源管理局副局长。




袁烽,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授;美国建筑师协会荣誉会士(FAIA);国际建协职业实践委员会(UIA-PPC)理事委员;Architectural Intelligence期刊主编;麻省理工学院、皇家墨尔本理工客座教授,弗吉尼亚大学托马斯·杰佛逊教席教授。2023年获国际建筑师协会Auguste Perret建筑技术大奖;2022获美国建筑师协会国际建筑荣誉大奖;2022获Dezeen全球年度最佳Civic Building设计大奖;2020获全球ACADIA协会学术创新大奖等。代表作品多次参加威尼斯建筑双年展、芝加哥建筑双年展、俄罗斯建筑双年展、米兰三年展等;多件作品被纽约 MOMA、香港M+、法国蓬皮社多家艺术博物馆永久收藏。



黄向明,天华集团董事、总建筑师,国家一级注册建筑师、美国建筑学会荣誉院士(AIA Honorary Fellows)、英国皇家特许注册建筑师(RIBA Chartered Architect)、国际建筑师协会(UIA) Architecture For All工作组成员、世界高层建筑与都市人居学会(CTBUH)亚洲区域理事会成员、中国建筑学会建筑师分会理事、中国建筑学会注册建筑师分会理事、上海市建筑学会常务理事、上海市建筑学会学术委员会委员、上海建设交通行业碳达峰、碳中和专家人才库入选专家。






从辨识度极高的超高层建筑,到创新的复合型城市综合体;从微观尺度的市民性文化建筑,到宏观视角的城市设计,姜平的设计实践与研究关注多维的城市环境,回应场地的文脉、气候及地理特质,拓展建筑与景观的边界,推动跨学科设计与研究的发展。他的设计作品曾多次获得美国建筑师协会(AIA)设计荣誉奖,英国The Architecture Review建筑奖,意大利The Plan建筑大奖,世界建筑节WAF中国最佳建筑设计奖等奖项,并入选了《安邸》AD100位在中国最具影响力的建筑师及室内设计师。EID Arch姜平工作室荣获2022年美国建筑师协会国际年度最佳事务所奖。他的作品曾在The Architectural Review、Domus、The Plan、Detail、MARK / FRAME、Canadian Architect等多家知名国际媒体上发表,曾多次受邀参加国际设计论坛等学术活动及艺术展。


